Game Commissions Respond to Challenging Winter Conditions
The 2022-2023 winter season has been a rough one for wildlife, and now game commissions are reacting to winter’s impact on game herds, including adjusting available draws for big game. We’ve compiled the most recent press releases, reports, and news articles so you can learn more about the pending adjustments that may affect your fall hunts. Some of the worst predictions we’ve seen include a northern Utah district that may lose 70% of its adult deer and 90% of its fawns. Read through them carefully to understand what’s at stake.
In short, your game plan for drawing a tag this year, or the GMU you hunt in every year, may look very different given the harsh winter the West just had. Curious how harsh it’s been? Check out the SNOWTEL report that shows the percentage of snow water equivalent compared to the average.
Core States Affected: Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oregon.

Colorado Wildlife Winterkill
Snowpack in northwestern Colorado is 143 percent higher than the 30-year average. In one part of Colorado known for some of the largest elk herds in the nation, severe winter conditions have resulted in high elk calf mortality and above-average cow mortality.
For the 2023 big game season, state wildlife biologists are recommending significant reductions in the number of licenses for elk and deer in the Bears Ears and White River DAUs. Some reports indicate as much as a 40% reduction in hunter licenses in some areas by Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
Check out the latest:
- onX Hunt: “Colorado: 2023 Hunting Application Details”
- Colorado Outdoors: “Winter In The Northwest: Surviving Today And After The Snow Melts”
- Denver Post: “CPW plans to cut NW Colorado hunting licenses by more than 40% to protect challenged herds”
- Colorado Sun: “Colorado wolf reintroduction plan evolves as challenges threaten early 2024 deadline to have predators roaming Western Slope”
- Steamboat Pilot & Today: “State biologists recommend a decrease in hunting licenses in Northwest Colorado”
- Fox Weather: “Hunting permits could be slashed after severe winter plagues western wildlife”

Utah Wildlife Winterkill
For the fifth year in a row the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is recommending a decrease in the number of general-season deer hunting permits. In February there was a shed-hunting ban put in place until May 2023 to reduce pressure on wintering herds. And in the Morgan-South Rich unit, there’s a projected loss of 70% of adult deer and 90% of fawns.
Check out the latest:
- onX Hunt: “Utah: 2023 Hunting Application Details”
- Utah Division of Wildlife Resources: “DWR releases recommendations for 2023 big game hunting permits”
- Outdoor Life: “Utah Closes All Shed Hunting Until May. Some Hunters Aren’t Happy About It”
- Outdoor Life: “Brutal Winter Causing Huge Losses in Western Big Game Herds”
- Outdoor Life: “Is Wildlife in Trouble This Winter? Here’s Why Biologists Aren’t Too Concerned About Winterkill”

Wyoming Wildlife Winterkill
Wyoming’s wildlife, from its mule deer to sage grouse, are being hit hard. In one tracked herd of mule deer that were GPS-collared there has been a 35% mortality rate (when the average is 20%), and already Wyoming Game and Fish announced that hunting quotas for some wildlife areas have been reduced. Wyoming has the largest greater sage grouse population remaining in the U.S., but their fate coming out of this year is unknown. Some are estimating that between 50-80% of pronghorn in some parts of the state will not survive.
Check out the latest:
- onX Hunt: “Wyoming: 2023 Hunting Application Details”
- Mountain Journal: “’Huge Mortality’: Winterkill Hitting Wildlife In Northern Rockies Hard”
- Cowboy State Daily: “Dying By The Thousands: Miles Of Death As Wyoming Antelope, Deer And Elk Die From Winter Starvation”
- Wyoming Tribune Eagle: “Harsh winter decimates wildlife in part of Wyoming”
- Huntin’ Fool: “EP 181: Wyoming Updates on Random Licenses & Weather for 2023”

Idaho Wildlife Winterkill
Idaho officials have implemented a winter feeding program for deer and elk in 52 locations across the state to help them get through the winter. Several license and regulation changes were made in response to winter conditions.
Check out the latest:
- onX Hunt: “Idaho: 2023 Hunting Application Details”
- East Idaho News: “Harsh winter is hard on wildlife and officials want your help protecting it”
- Big Country News: “Idaho Fish and Game Commission set big game seasons for 2023-24”
- Idaho Fish and Game: “Winter feeding update for the Southeast Region (03/17/2023)”

Oregon Wildlife Winterkill
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has been feeding elk in the Elkhorn Wildlife Area to help them survive winter.
Check out the latest:
- onX Hunt: “Oregon: 2023 Hunting Application Details”
- East Oregonian: “Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife continue to feed elk, deer in Elkhorn Wildlife Area at mid-winter levels”
What To Do
Study the information above and research your application plans. Are the districts and GMUs you’re planning to hunt affected? With tools like Hunt Research Tools and Huntin’ Fool available for Elite members, you can better understand draw and quota trends.
To maximize your time spent researching and applying—and to help you build your strategy to successfully draw—we’re providing onX Hunt Elite Members with FREE services in one comprehensive package:
- Hunt Research Tools: In-Depth Draw Odds and Application Tools.
- Huntin’ Fool: Boots-on-the-Ground Research and Insight.
- HuntReminder: Worry-Free Text and Email Reminder Service.