Food & Cooking
Food & Cooking
Processing tips and recipes to help you make the most of your harvest.
Food & Cooking
Smoked Duck
Looking for duck recipes? Try Chef Michael Hunter's approach to whole smoked duck stuffed with a buttery herb filling and served with homemade cranberry jam.
Food & Cooking
The Locavore as Hunter: An Innovative Approach to Hunter Recruitment
Learn how the National Deer Association's Field To Fork program brings new hunters into the field using an innovate approach to hunter recruitment.
Featured Videos
Smoked Duck
Try Chef Michael Hunter's approach to whole smoked duck stuffed with a buttery herb filling and served with cranberry jam.
Venison Jerky
Follow along for Jenn Homa's homemade deer jerky—an easy recipe that balances sweet and savory.
Wild Game Pot Pie
Drop in on Chef Michael Hunter for a fresh take on the humble pot pie.
Food & Cooking
Cleaning Your First Wild Turkey: An Illustrated Step-by-Step Guide
Follow our step-by-step guide to break down your first wild turkey with ease.
Food & Cooking
Wild Turkey Recipes
Don’t know what to do with the wild turkey you harvested? Check out these three wild turkey recipes from a few of the top hunters and wild game chefs in North America.
Food & Cooking
Thanksgiving Wild Game Recipe Roundup
Looking for wild game recipes? Here are some ideas including a recipe from MeatEater’s Steven Rinella.
Food & Cooking
The Ultimate Guide: How To Make Pemmican – A Step-By-Step Tutorial
Discover the art of crafting pemmican with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to make pemmican, a nutrient-packed survival food, step-by-step. Start today.
Food & Cooking
Christmas Recipes From Team onX
onX staff share their favorite Christmas recipes to help make the holiday season merry and bright.
Food & Cooking
Aging Wild Game Meat
Aging wild game is one way to take your harvest to another level. With guidance from Antler Kitchen’s chef and owner Michael Hunter we discuss what aging does to wild game. Recipe included!
Food & Cooking
Offal Isn’t Awful: Offal 101 With Chef Eduardo Garcia
MEAT! Ambassador Chef Eduardo Garcia of Montana Mex talks about offal and shares his Wild Game Offal Meatloaf recipe.
Food & Cooking
How To Meet Your Protein Needs in the Field With Sidney Smith
Peak Refuel ambassador Sidney Smith talks with onX Hunt about maintaining performance with proper protein fueling in the field.
Food & Cooking
Sous Vide for Wild Game
Sous vide circulators have been taking home kitchens by storm. They’re incredible for cooking wild game, so we spoke with Wilderness to Table chef Bri Van Scotter about using them for just that.
Food & Cooking
Summer Sausage 101 With Chef Albert Wutsch
From Field to Table’s Albert Wutsch walks onX Hunt through the goodness of summer sausage and shares his own recipe.
Food & Cooking
5 Myths of Eating Wild Game vs. Store-Bought Meat
Elevated Wild’s Wade Truong explores the benefits of “eat what you shoot.” Read how Wade compares wild game to store-bought protein, his best tips for cooking game, and more in our latest blog.
Food & Cooking
Morel Mushroom Maps With the onX Hunt App
Learn the tools and tricks that expert morel hunters use to find morel mushrooms year after year. Try onX Hunt today. No credit card required.
Food & Cooking
From Field to Table: 6 Tips for Providing Wild Thanksgiving Meals
Check out our tips on getting your harvest back home and some mouth watering recipes from our partners and contributors.
Food & Cooking
Never Leave the Snack Behind: Team onX’s Favorite Hunting Snacks
Snacks and good food are key to success during the hunting season. onX Hunt team members share their favorite snacks and recipes to pack.
Food & Cooking
Your Thanksgiving Recipes
We solicited your favorite Thanksgiving recipes, and we think these three deserve a spot on your table this holiday season.
Gun vs. Bowhunting for New Hunters
New hunters will have to choose between guns and bowhunting as a starting point. If you don’t know which you prefer, we cover the pros, cons, and costs of each.
Access & Stewardship
How To Ask Permission To Hunt Private Land
With the onX Hunt App, you can access the information you need to approach a landowner and ask permission to hunt their land.
Hunting Stories
A Day in the Life of a Game Warden
onX is trusted by over 5,000 game wardens. Have you ever wondered what game wardens do? We profile five men and women from four different states to better understand a day in the life of a game warden.