Cold Springs - FR 77

Total Miles


736.16 ft


1 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring

Trail Overview

This trail is in the beautiful George Washington National Forest trail in Deerfield, Virginia connecting Old Parkersburg Turnpike and Hite Hollow Road. This trail has quite a few camping areas, some able to accommodate multiple vehicles. It is a gravel road the entire way through. There is no water source other than any natural creeks so be sure to bring water. The trail is passable by just about any vehicle. There is also a trailhead entrance to the old Elliott's Knob Fire Tower. You can drive about half a mile up the trailhead (this area is only passable by 4x4) then hike the rest of the way to the tower.

Photos of Cold Springs - FR 77

Cold Springs - FR 77
Cold Springs - FR 77


This trail is passable by all vehicles and has no difficult obstacles. The trailhead to the fire tower is is 4x4 only.

Technical Rating


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