Johnson Arroyo ATV

Total Miles


1,889.75 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Trail Overview

This trail is 2.7 miles of easy wash trail through the Johnson Arroyo. The wash stays pretty wide the whole time, with lots of tracks to follow. From the south, it goes through the easy, flat and smooth sandy wash, between sage brush, and small pinyon bushes. It curves through the wash around tall dirt walls, as there are sometimes 3-foot tall dirt walls on the sides of the wash. Other times it's super flat on both sides of the wash. It starts to narrow up on the north end of the track as it continues north towards an oil well. The south end ends on a sandy dirt road, and the north end ends at an oil well.

Photos of Johnson Arroyo ATV

Johnson Arroyo ATV
Johnson Arroyo ATV


This trail is consistently easy the whole way, as it is a sandy wash with no obstacles.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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