Tin Cup

Total Miles


1,585.22 ft


1 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

Tin Cup trail is a trail that shoots off of the Tin Cup Creek trail. Although the beginning of this trail looks nice, smooth, and wide, you will quickly find out that this is not the condition of the entire trail. As you make your way towards the winter gate, the trail will start to narrow and quickly become rocky. For the most part, the rest of the trail is rocky and narrow. As the trail progresses towards the end it gets more and more narrow. This would be a trail more ideal for a SxS rather than a full-size vehicle. Not only is there almost nowhere to pass another vehicle on the section past the last 180-degree switchback, but the bushes and trees are also grown well into the trail as well. If you are in a full-size vehicle with a nice paint job, make sure to turn around and head back down at the last 180-degree switchback. If you continue past the last switchback in a full-size vehicle, you will get some clear coat scratches for sure. However, If you do go past the last switchback, this is the section where you will get some decent views from above Darby, MT, and the surrounding area. This trail comes to a dead end with a very small turnaround area.

Photos of Tin Cup

Tin Cup
Tin Cup


This trail starts out easy and by the end progresses to a 3 difficulty. The main reason for the difficulty rating is the last section of the trail after the last major switchback, the road is rocky, narrow, and overgrown with trees and bushes. The trail is mostly rut free and there are no water crossings. Mud may exist after a heavy rain or spring runoff. The grade of this trail isn't very steep but some spots with ledges exist.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

This trail is pretty easy to find. Turn on Tin Cup road just south of Darby, MT, and follow that road for about 3.5 miles, and keep an eye out on the left side (south) for a pretty visible turn-off. Towards the beginning of the trail, there is a nice size pullout for parking or camping if you were to tow your machine to this trail.

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