County Road 55
Total Miles
229.91 ft
0.25 Hours
Technical Rating
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Trail Overview
Lake Greeson WMA is a leased land WMA, meaning hunters, trappers, and campers 16 years of age or older must purchase a Lake Greeson WMA leased lands permit (LLG) along with a free annual General Use Permit (WMP). Permits are available online , by clicking "Buy Licenses" at, or by calling 833-345-0325 or any regional office. This road can be very muddy after rains and dusty when dry. Beautiful scenery and a few bridged creek/water crossings make this a great drive. The road is very easy to travel while dry. Keep your eye open for wildlife. Gates may be opened or closed; see the website posted above. Camping is permitted in the area at designated campsites and in three Corps of Engineers campgrounds on the lakeshore. Typical Athens Piedmont Plateau, rolling hills intensively managed for pine production and pine/hardwood mixed composition along creeks. Portions of the area served as a refuge during the early 60s, and the area now provides approximately 38,000 acres for public recreation.
Photos of County Road 55
If the road is dry and well-graded, it is easy to travel, although rain and ruts can change the rating.
Status Reports
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