Paiute Side Trail

Total Miles


2,414.11 ft


1 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

This is a side trail that shortens the ride from the P11 trail down into Joseph instead of taking the P11 trail all the way into Elsinore. It is mostly flat with some narrow twisting sections. You need to watch out for cows since they are all over and don't often move off the road.

Photos of Paiute Side Trail

Paiute Side Trail
Paiute Side Trail


This is rated a 2 only because there are a couple of sections that require you to navigate around some obstacles and after a rain it can get quite muddy.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

You can come up from Elsinore on the Albinus Canyon (P11a) and turn left about 5.3 miles onto the unmarked trail. Or you can come up from Joseph on Roy's Elk Bugling Trail (P10a) and at about 4.9 miles and turn right.

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