Hogsback Ridge

Total Miles


2,605.55 ft


0.75 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

This fairly steep trail drops off the Swan Flat loop in Logan Canyon down to Fish Haven Canyon. It is 3.5 miles and changes nearly 2,000 feet in elevation. Both ends are fenced off with a 50" gate. The top half mile of the trail plunges through dense pines that block most sunlight, reduce environmental sound, and give it a slightly eerie feeling. The incline grade through this section is challenging while traveling down the trail. Travelers heading up the trail will find it a bit harrowing. The mid-section of the trail winds in and out of the tree line through rocky sections with drops that can be as much as 12". The challenge of picking your line and the frequent vistas of aspen outcroppings along the way provide for a lively and entertaining ride. The bottom mile of the trail, below the gate, is mostly smooth and courses alongside aspen groves.

Photos of Hogsback Ridge

Hogsback Ridge
Hogsback Ridge


The technical rating of 4 on this trail is given for steep grades, narrow winding sections, and short rock ridge portions of the trail.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

From the bottom, head up Fish Haven Canyon which begins in Fish Haven Idaho on the West side of Bear Lake. From the top, Take the Swan Flat loop road from Logan Canyon just above the Beaver Mountain exit.

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