Sunken Bridges ATV

Total Miles


2,874.98 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

Sunken Bridges is a short ATV trail in the Elk Meadow trail system near Fraser, Colorado. It connects the northern part of the trail system down to the southern trails like Elk Creek Loop without having to do as much road mileage. It's easy for the entire .6 miles. It's straight and flat and wide between the pine trees. It has one big corner, and some shallow ruts through the surface of the trail with some loose rocks, but otherwise has no difficult features. It goes across a long wooden bridge over a marshy meadow and pond on the north end. The bridge is just wide enough for a 50" ATV. The northern end of the trail ends at the bridge.

Photos of Sunken Bridges ATV

Sunken Bridges ATV
Sunken Bridges ATV


This is an easy connector ATV trail that has no obstacles but does have a long bridge over a pond.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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