The Evergreen State offers widely available elk and deer general season hunts for specific GMUs, as well as special permits that are issued exclusively via the drawing. Washington has special permit drawings for deer, elk, mountain goat, moose, bighorn sheep, and turkey. The state offers bull moose, bighorn sheep (ram), and mountain goat (if harvested after 1998), which are once-in-a-lifetime if successful.
Washington offers hunters chances to tick several species off their lists. For deer hunters, the state has three species: mule deer, whitetail, and blacktail. Elk hunters can chase both Rocky Mountain and Roosevelt elk.
Hunters may apply for tags with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife here.
Huntin’ Fool’s Washington page is an excellent, updated resource for ongoing Washington draw changes.

Washington Draw Process FAQs
Application Dates and Deadlines: Huntin’ Fool lines out Washington dates and deadlines.
Free for onX Elite members, Hunt Reminder’s Washington page is also an excellent resource for timely application season reminders.

Hunting license and species costs for tags usually include:
- Application Fee
- Hunting License Fee to apply (usually need a qualifying license before you can apply)
- Species Fee (This is what you pay for the animal you want to hunt. Some you pay upfront at application, some you pay for once you get the tag.)
- Points-Only fee (fees for people just buying points and not actually applying for a hunt)

Point System
- Washington utilizes a squared bonus point system. Each year that you’re unsuccessful at drawing a special permit, you’ll receive another point.
- Bonus points are both species and category specific. “Categories” are types of hunts for each species. For example, there are five moose categories: Antlered Bull, Antlerless, Youth, 65 & Over, and Disabled.
- You can apply for a maximum of four hunt choices per application, except for the quality deer and elk categories. For quality deer and elk hunts only two hunt choices are allowed.
- When you’re drawn, all of your application choices are considered before moving on to the next applicant.
- Points cannot be transferred between individuals or categories.
- When a hunter is selected for a special permit, the hunter’s point total for that species/category drops to zero.

Tag Allocation
- There are no dedicated quotas for nonresidents; all applicants have the same odds to draw regardless of residency status.
- There are no permits set aside for applicants with the most points; all permits are issued via the random bonus point drawing.
Useful Links
- Access the onX Complete Package for Western Application Research
- Log Into Hunt Research Tools Today to Start Your 2024 Application Season
- View Washington Big Game Hunting Regulations Here
- Apply Here for Your Washington Hunting Tags
- Read Washington Hunting News and Updates Here
- Check Washington CWD Updates Here

onX Hunt’s Top Three State Application Tips
- There is an option to apply for bonus points only, but the cost to do so is the same as actually applying for a permit. Given the low draw odds, it is generally the best option to apply for special permits instead of opting for points only.
- It is possible to draw more than one permit for the same species. If you do, you can participate in each hunt, but must stop hunting once you harvest an animal. Unless one of those permits is for a second tag, you are restricted to harvesting one animal.
- Washington does allow for group applications and the group’s total bonus points are averaged when entering into the draw.

Your One-Stop Application Season Stop
To maximize your time spent researching and applying—and to help you build your strategy to successfully draw in 2024 and beyond—we’re providing onX Hunt Elite Members with FREE services in one comprehensive package:
- Hunt Research Tools: In-Depth Draw Odds and Application Tools
- Huntin’ Fool: Boots-on-the-Ground Research and Insight
- HuntReminder: Worry-Free Text and Email Reminder Service
- onX Hunt: Map Your Hunt With Research Layers