Crandon Highway 8 Trail

Total Miles


553.42 ft


0.75 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

This ATV/ SxS trail runs from the town of Crandon to the town of Monico alongside US Highway 8. This trail serves as a great access point to the Crandon area trail systems, as well as the Enterprise/ Pelican Lake, and Harrison Hills Trails. This trail has several speed-restricted areas along the way, as well as frequent stops due to the driveways, and roads the trail crosses. The trail surface is primarily packed gravel. Sights along the way are excellent as this trail navigates some of the many hills in the area, allowing for excellent viewing of, Crandon, Lucus Oil Stadium/ Race Track, and Oneida County.

Photos of Crandon Highway 8 Trail

Crandon Highway 8 Trail
Crandon Highway 8 Trail


This trail can be navigated by riders of any skill level. Sightlines are excellent for the oncoming traffic, as well as being exceptionally signed. Some portions of this trail are just under one and a half vehicle widths wide, but most range from two vehicle widths wide.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

This trail can be accessed via the Seven Hour Plane Crash Trail if on ATV or SxS, The town of Crandon, as well as the town of Monico.

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