Hog Canyon 6 - Savage Point (BLM HC6/6A)

Total Miles


1,818.29 ft


2 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Fall, Summer

Trail Overview

HC6 is one of the more recent trails in the trail park. HC6 is also the only trail that is not accessible off HC1. It complements HC5 by providing an approved route along the western portion of the Savage peninsula. This is a slightly less challenging route to Savage Point with many different obstacles. HC6 has some beautiful views as you move along the track. The track is well-marked and can be followed easily. When you reach HC5A you will need to turn right and follow HC5A a short distance to Savage Point. There may be Spring closures of the eastern portion of HC5A and 6A for Perrigin Falcon nesting.HC6A has been included in this description because it is only .6 miles long. It has a rating of 2. HC6A provides an alternative path for those wishing to bypass some of the most challenging obstacles on HC5A and all of HC6 if you are time-constrained. When you reach the end of HC6A turn right and follow HC5A to Savage Point. Please Note: HC is a set of defined trails, AKA, a trail park. These defined trails vary in difficulty to provide challenges for all types of vehicles and skill levels. It is also a great area to learn new skills on these trails. HC is NOT an open-riding area. You are expected to stay on the defined trails and under no circumstances create new trails. In addition, please do not build upon someone else's desecration of the area by riding on trails or bypasses that have been created by others. Please obey all BLM-posted signs. OnX asks everyone to support the Tread Lightly principles.

Photos of Hog Canyon 6 - Savage Point (BLM HC6/6A)

Hog Canyon 6 - Savage Point (BLM HC6/6A)
Hog Canyon 6 - Savage Point (BLM HC6/6A)


HC6 presents a wide variety of challenges including rock ledges, off-camber rock traverses, and washes. This is a single-path trail that should be ridden as laid out. If you were challenged by HC5 this trail provides a respite with easier obstacles and yet challenges that will require attention to traverse successfully.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

The entrance to HC6 and HC6A are both off HC5, approximately 1/2 mile after you pass the exit of HC7 on the right. You will enter HC6 and proceed a short distance where HC6A branches to the left. HC6A is an easy (rated a 2) .6 mile long trail that leads to the SE portion of the mesa containing Savage Point. You can turn right and proceed along HC5A to Savage Point if desired. Detailed directions to HC5 are included below for clarity. However, it is recommended that you read the full HC5 description: There are a couple of entrances to HC5. When you exit Highway 89, proceed on the road approximately .7 miles. The trailhead is located on the right, just off the road, and is marked by a large, informative kiosk. From the western trailhead, follow HC1 approximately 3.3 miles to an intersection of trails. You can continue along HC1 an additional .4 miles or take a slight right down the hill, and you will find HC7. Follow HC7 approximately 400 yards to an intersection on the left. The challenging climb off HC7 and HC1 takes you to the base of Mosdell Hill. From the base of Mosdell Hill, you can enter HC5. You can also enter this trail from the east using the Crocodile Trailhead. The Crocodile Trailhead is approximately 7.9 miles up Johnson Canyon Road, which is 8.7 miles east of Kanab on HWY 89A. From the trailhead, travel west on BLM 100 for approximately 3.3 miles, then veer left onto BLM 104 for another 4 miles to the east entrance to HC. Follow HC1 to the base of Mosdell Hill, approximately 3.9 miles. At the bottom of Mosdell Hill, veer to the left to enter HC5.

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