Iron Point

Total Miles


327.20 ft


2 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Fall, Summer, Winter

Trail Overview

This trail offers many challenges. All though you can skip past the hard parts. As most of this is an easy gravel road there are a few small turn-off paths that will take you down some old service roads in Wayne National Forest. That's where the hard parts are they are narrow. Full of soft slick mudd and even a few step climbs. There is even a nice quiet camp spot that's a little challenging to get back to due to the slick mudd. At the end of the trail, it will lead you out to the small old town of Shawnee.

Photos of Iron Point

Iron Point
Iron Point


I rate this at a 7 due to the little side trails off of this because they can become very slick clay-like mud with deep holes and off-camber climbs. If you don't do the side trails, it's an easy gravel road.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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