Alamo Road

Total Miles


1,535.27 ft


4.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

If you want an adventure, this 70-mile-deep Nevada desert road is for you! Be aware there is a gate at the Alamo end of this road and it can be closed at any time. The terrain is dirt, gravel, rock, sand, mud, washouts, and flooding just a full mixture of fun! It will have you on your toes for what terrain you'll experience next. From driving along a valley wash, to miles of the dry lake bed, to a deep rutted sandy muddy mess, to rough rocky mountains. Driving in pairs is best on this road, there are sharp rocks and areas where if you get stuck you will not have any access to trees or things big enough to pull you out. There is also very spotty cellphone service, in some areas you won't have any for miles. This is a very remote road with no services, bring extra gas and make sure your tanks are full before heading on this road! During the summer it can be extremely harsh and deadly, bring plenty of water and be ready for anything, you are out there on your own! One section inside the dry lake bed gets really bad in wet conditions, almost impassable as the ruts are deep and unforgiving. I recommend taking the entire weekend to enjoy this amazing area!

Photos of Alamo Road

Alamo Road
Alamo Road


Sandy in sections, the possibility for water crossing and mud. One section becomes almost impassible during the wet season. Advised not to do this road in bad weather, as you can find yourself in a flash flood.

Technical Rating


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