Powerline Road

Total Miles


1,160.24 ft


1.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Fall, Summer, Winter

Trail Overview

The Powerline Road is a rugged trail that begins just off of Old Sonoita Highway and runs eastward along I-10 towards the Whetstone Mountains. The Powerline trail is popular with ATVs, dirt bikes, SxSs, and other off-road vehicles. Back-road travel can be hazardous, so be aware of weather and road conditions. Carry plenty of water. Don't travel alone, and let someone know where you are going and when you plan to return. Cell service is patchy, so download your map before your trip. The time to complete and the difficulty listed are subject to many factors, including the vehicle type used and the rider's capabilities.

Photos of Powerline Road

Powerline Road
Powerline Road


This trail features several wash crossings that may have water present depending on the recent rainfall. The trail also has several steep and rocky hill climbs, where having at least a rear locker will be beneficial. Several large to medium ruts will be encountered. Rain or snow could affect the road, so definitely check the weather conditions before you head out and pack plenty of water.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

From Interstate 10, head east to mile marker 281, Arizona Highway 83, then take a left onto the Old Sonoita Highway. After about one mile, you will see a cattle guard on your left. This is the entrance and a great spot to air down if you choose. From the south, at the intersection of Highways 82 and 83 in Sonoita, Arizona, head north for about 19 miles until you reach Old Sonoita Highway. The turn-off is well-marked and will be on your right. After about five miles, you will see a cattle guard on your left. This is the entrance and a great spot to air down if you choose.

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