Fun Fence Line Rip
Total Miles
499.37 ft
Technical Rating
Best Time
Spring, Fall, Winter
Trail Overview
This fun rip along the fence line definitely beats taking the graded trail. It runs from the northern dirt Wickenburg Road to the southern paved Alamo Road. There are steep transitions and off-camber ledges. A few short loose hill climbs, a sandy wash to cross, and large boulders hiding in small washouts that sneak up on you. There are plenty of saguaro cactus along the route, and the hilltop has an excellent view for sunset or any time of day. Watch for burros on the trail; their tracks run along with it for a while. 2 bars LTE service.
Photos of Fun Fence Line Rip
Steep Loose hills, washouts, off-camber, and deep sand
Status Reports
There are no status reports yet for this trail.
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