Research & Planning
10 Do-It-Yourself Upland Bird Hunting Adventures
Looking for new territories to expand your upland bird hunting? From deserts to plains to the northwoods, here are 10 places and species to pursue. Learn more.
Consistently finding more birds is the goal of many upland hunters. In this guide, we teach you how to cut down your time wandering the fields in search of a flush.
Learn to scout on your computer at home, then take your theories to the field while using the tools and features within the Hunt App. Whether you’re chasing roosters in South Dakota, quail in Kansas, or grouse in the Great Lakes states, you’ll be more efficient in your pursuit.
Consistently finding more birds is the goal of many upland hunters. In this guide, we teach you how to cut down your time wandering the fields in search of a flush.
Learn to scout on your computer at home, then take your theories to the field while using the tools and features within the Hunt App. Whether you’re chasing roosters in South Dakota, quail in Kansas, or grouse in the Great Lakes states, you’ll be more efficient in your pursuit.
From analyzing the terrain you’ll be hunting, to checking wind forecast the night before, onX Hunt puts the most powerful scouting tool in your hands.
Marking potential haunts for birds is one of the best ways to prepare for your hunt. Setting Waypoints at fields with good cover or other birdy spots enables you to make smart moves when out hunting. When in the field, marking flushes or properties that hold birds allows you to retain valuable intel for years to come.
It’s no secret that many upland birds thrive adjacent to agriculture. However, not all crop types are created equal. By using the Crop Data Layer, you’ll be able to pinpoint key pieces of cover from the comfort of your own home. With 19 of the most popular crop types, you’ll be covered across the country.
Identifying key tree species is critical for hunting grouse and woodcock. Understanding this data from satellite imagery can be extremely difficult, but we’ve helped take the guesswork out of it. By using the Young Aspen Layer in conjunction with Timber Harvest Data, you’ll easily be able to pinpoint key covers that are likely to hold birds.
Knowing where you’ve been and where you haven’t isn’t just about finding your way back to the truck. You’ll also uncover more birds. The Tracker provides valuable information on what covers you might have missed and can help piece together trends on where birds are located.
No service? No problem. Some of the best areas are far from civilization, and having a fully functional map at your fingertips changes the game. By downloading maps beforehand, you’ll be able to easily get to your hunting spots and get back to the truck safely.
Watch this onX Hunt Masterclass with Tyler Webster from the Birds, Booze and Buds Podcast, and Pheasants Forever’s Marissa Jensen, to learn how to use onX Hunt to find new spots and be more successful chasing sharp-tailed grouse, prairie chickens, and Hungarian partridge this fall.
Research & Planning
Looking for new territories to expand your upland bird hunting? From deserts to plains to the northwoods, here are 10 places and species to pursue. Learn more.
Thinking about taking your bird hunting to the next level with a bird hunting dog? Consider these tips by onX Ambassador Brandon Moss. Find out more!
Research & Planning
Like to hunt more than one species? Here’s our list of the best states for hunting multiple species.
From start to finish, make the most of your time in the field with onX Hunt
Upland birds are non-waterfowl game birds found throughout the United States. They are pursued with shotguns, and many hunters will utilize gun dogs from pointing or flushing breeds to locate and retrieve their kills. Upland species are prized for the thrill of the hunt and their flavor and culinary versatility.
The term upland game bird generally refers to the various species of grouse, pheasants, partridge, woodcock, and quail. Refer to your state’s hunting regulations to determine the availability of upland game species in your area and the rules and regulations for hunting them.
Upland hunting refers to the pursuit of upland game birds with the use of a shotgun and, in many cases, a trusty bird dog. The birds are shot while in flight, or on the wing, and various species can be found throughout the United States.
You’re in luck—quality upland hunting can be found throughout the country. Read our blog, Best Upland Bird Hunting States to learn more. Check your state’s hunting regulations to find additional upland hunting opportunities near you.
See our other onX e-scouting guides for deer, elk, and waterfowl.