Chapter 1 – Turkey Terminology


The foundation of turkey hunting starts by learning and understanding the terminology you’ll hear within the turkey community. From descriptions of turkey behaviors like roosting and strutting to exploring how turkeys use different parts of the natural landscape, Chapter 1 lays the groundwork for the rest of the course.


Learn to talk the talk as we cover the most common phrases and behaviors you’ll hear and encounter in the spring woods, including:

  1. Roost, Strut, and Drumming.
  2. All Things Gobbles.
  3. Dusting, Scratching, and Bugging.

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Chapter 1 – Turkey Terminology

Chapter 1 – Turkey Terminology

Learn to talk the talk as we cover the most common phrases and behaviors you’ll hear and encounter in the spring woods.

Skill Level: Beginner
Turkey Academy logo overlaying a turkey in a field.

1.1: Roost, Strut, and Drumming

Duration 3:57
Cuz Strickland and Neil Haas break down iconic wild turkey behaviors.

What You’ll Learn:
• Types of roosts.
• Why turkeys strut and what strut marks look like.
• What drumming sounds like.
Turkey Academy logo overlaying a turkey in a field.

1.2: All Things Gobbles

Duration 2:18
The turkey gobble. Some consider it the greatest sound in the natural world. Brush up on gobble-related terms you’ll likely hear at turkey camp. 

What You’ll Learn:
• Why and when turkeys gobble.
• What a shock gobble is.
• What “hot turkey” really means.
Turkey Academy logo overlaying a turkey in a field.

1.3: Dusting, Scratching, and Bugging

Duration 1:56
Understand some of the more nuanced terms related to turkey feeding and preening activities.

What You’ll Learn:
• Why you want to be where turkeys are bugging.
• When you’re likely to see dust bowls.
• What scratching means.

Head to Chapter 2 for shotgun basics and safety considerations.