Pomeroy Grouse Flat #40 (#2)

Total Miles


1,889.75 ft


2 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

This is the second nearly 8-mile section of Pomeroy Grouse Flats. As continued, this trail is a well-groomed forest road that is approximately two cars wide. There are multiple gated offshoots to this trail, however at the time of adventure (memorial weekend '23), most of these gates were currently closed. As we neared the highest elevation, there were multiple patches of deep soupy snow where my 4-runner high centered multiple times. I would presume that in a couple more weeks this snow would be melted and would no longer be an issue. There are again, multiple springs just off the trail on this route. The one pictured is Spruce Spring. This spring contained a makeshift container for animals and people alike. The water was cool to the touch, however, I did not take a drink. There is also a dedicated campground nearby.

Photos of Pomeroy Grouse Flat #40 (#2)

Pomeroy Grouse Flat #40 (#2)
Pomeroy Grouse Flat #40 (#2)


This trail received a level one difficulty rating as it is primarily compacted dirt with a little bit of gravel, is 2 car widths wide, and seemingly did not have many obstacles beyond snow levels.

Technical Rating


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