Coon Bridge

Total Miles


989.89 ft


1.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Trail Overview

Nice connector trail from east of the mountains in the valley leading into the mountains. This trail passes through a national forest right of way through private property from the state road for about the first 1.5 miles. A campsite and forestry gate marks the boundary. The trail is a twisty double track with off-camber sections throughout the lower elevations. One small creek crossing washes out badly at some points but is normally passable with high clearance 4wd. Scenic views in fall/winter with a few campsites dotted along the way. No cell service anywhere in the general area.

Photos of Coon Bridge

Coon Bridge
Coon Bridge


Initial gate keeper washout just as you enter national forest and the potentional creek washout near the middle. Tight twisty off camber sections also.

Technical Rating


Access Description

East side follow national forest access signs from Indian Creek Rd. West side entrance off of Wiggins Springs Rd

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