Lousignot Road
Total Miles
665.73 ft
0.75 Hours
Technical Rating
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Trail Overview
Beware of logging trucks and some major potholes in the beginning. This is an active logging road, so pay attention to the C.B. channel and look for wide spots to pass oncoming traffic. After the first two or so miles, it gets better--just be on the lookout for wildlife. If you are one to just enjoy the simple, finer things, then this is for you. Take in the scenery. Enjoy the greens, enjoy the surroundings. Enjoy being out here--not many do. This is a great trail to visit at any time of year, but in winter, the snow will get deep. Regardless, it's beautiful year-round.
Photos of Lousignot Road
You will be fine through all of this. Just watch for the big pot holes; they are nasty. Snow can get deep in winter.