South Gate Road

Total Miles


539.85 ft


1 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Fall, Summer

Trail Overview

This trail is a mix of gravel and dirt. The trail is snowmobile only after December 8, but until then, it is open for snowwheeling. However, depending on conditions, the trail reopens from March- December 8th for snowwheeling. Obstacles include possible washouts and downed trees and branches. Multiple spurs or "haul roads" exist off this track however, the NYSDEC asks that you do not use these to preserve the forest and access to it. You will eventually come to the "end" of the trail, which will be represented by a sign stating no motor vehicle access beyond this point. The sign will be on the passenger side so do yourself a favor and turn onto the Duck Pond Trail to avoid a possibly complicated turnaround scenario.

Photos of South Gate Road

South Gate Road
South Gate Road


The trail is for snowmobiles only from December 8 through March. You will find a few obstacles that will test your rig's capabilities however washouts and downed trees are possible. During any snow events the trail can ice up rather quickly so be sure to have self-recovery gear of some sort.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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