Maxon Creek State Park

Total Miles


569.18 ft


0.4 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time


Trail Overview

This is a seasonal forest access road that is an out-and-back route. This route goes through forest access which really feels like you are out in the woods. The road is a single track that provides a scenic drive and opportunity to see native wildlife. There are several places along the route for scenic views and hiking.

Photos of Maxon Creek State Park

Maxon Creek State Park
Maxon Creek State Park


This is a well maintained two-track gravel road with no difficult obstacles.


Maxon Creek State Forest, sometimes referred to as Pease Hill, encompasses 905 acres. The forest is home to four small streams, which together total 2.4 miles in length and are a part of the east branch of the Tioughnioga River watershed.A variety of different forest cover types envelop the land, including northern hardwoods, northern hardwood-hemlock, Japanese larch, Norway spruce, red pine, and white cedar. Within this secluded forest setting, one can find a diverse collection of wildlife and plant species.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

State route 13 to Cuyler Hill PFAR south to Pease Hill road. The forest entrance road is on the south side of Pease Hill road.

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