Jipson Hill PFAR

Total Miles


515.02 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

This is a seasonal road that connects with Cuyler Hill State Forest. The track is a combination of gravel and mud with large ruts and rocks in many areas. The road has been under repair for some time, providing a little more challenging drive. SUVs or 4x4s would have no trouble with the track however, lower all-wheel drive or two-wheel drive vehicles may struggle in the sections under repair.

Photos of Jipson Hill PFAR

Jipson Hill PFAR
Jipson Hill PFAR


Many sections of the track are under repair and the base of the road is mostly clay and mud. There are large ruts created by the excavator used for the repair and narrow areas that will make this a little more interesting than the smooth gravel seasonal roads.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

Jipson Hill PFAR can be accessed from Cuyler Hill Road and from Union Valley Linklaen Road.

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