Lookout Peak

Total Miles


1,597.95 ft


4 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Trail Overview

Lookout mountain out-and-back is a great trail with the last couple miles being the most technical. The start of the drive is a basic rural dirt road leading into a wash at the base of the mountain. In the BLM land, watch for cows and gates as farmers are allowed to utilize the land for agriculture. Please leave gates as you find them. The BLM land is abundant with crisscrossing trails with intermittent cell service, so make sure to download your offline map before starting the trip. The climb to the summit includes two steep ascents with large loose rocks. The entire trail is in the open New Mexico desert, so plan ahead with extra water and appropriate shade from the hot sun. The last couple miles of the trail borders the Robledo Mountains Wilderness, which is labeled, and does not allow motorized vehicles so please stick to the road. The views at the top are expansive of the surrounding area and well worth the drive. The road is very narrow and rock avoidance can be difficult.

Photos of Lookout Peak

Lookout Peak
Lookout Peak


To reach the summit of Lookout Mountain requires ascending two steep stretches with large loose rocks. The first ascent is a narrow one-car width stretch with a steep hill side drop on the right. The second ascent is one-car width as well, but does not have a drop on one side.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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