Old Highway 13
Total Miles
157.06 ft
0.3 Hours
Technical Rating
Best Time
Trail Overview
At Little Egypt Off Road, there's a 1.5-mile portion of the former Illinois Highway 13. This is one of the main access routes throughout the property, as it stretches the entire width of the park. The main feature of this route is the overpass across the Amax Haul Road. When following this road from west to east, it begins as a flat, paved surface aside from periodic stretch bumps in the pavement that closely resemble a speed bump. As you approach the overpass, the grade slightly increases to a downhill, leveling off just past the second bridge. At the bottom of the hill resides a paved bridge over one of the main creek branches on the property. A slight S-shaped curve through a canopy of trees wraps up this portion of Old Route 13, delivering riders access to the intersecting trails at the eastern portion of the park. This route is accessible by SxS, ATV, and dirt bikes, and falls into the green difficulty rating.
Photos of Old Highway 13
This road features non-maintained pavement, with stretch bumps periodically on the western portion. It is mostly flat with a slight increase in grade as the road begins a downhill portion towards the main overpass. It flattens out before becoming a smooth surface for the remainder of the route.
This route was formerly used as the main highway running east-west across southern Illinois before being replaced by New Route 13 in 1960, offering two more lanes for traffic than the previous road.