Ewok Village

Total Miles


2,044.33 ft


0.75 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Fall, Spring

Trail Overview

Ewok Village is a fun and narrow desert single track that goes through a variety of terrains near Montrose, Colorado. From the south trailhead, it starts with a steep descent dipping into a dry wash and climbs back out to continue along the side of a mesa. The grey narrow track has lots of big boulders on the sides of the trail or middle of the trail that act like pinch points and are moderate obstacles having to go over them. The boulders and rocks that are on all sides of you are actually very unique and colorful, making this a very scenic trail. It keeps going through green grassy hills with boulders that have green and orange lichen and black markings. There is mild side-hilling and it's very windy with tight turns and curves through the trees and around the rocks. The trail goes up and down a lot on loose dirt over the rolling hills. After intersecting with the North Cutoff Trail (stay left to finish this trail), it gets even tighter with very tight turns requiring good balance. Near the end, it drops into a totally different landscape like on another planet with red and grey mounds of dirt covered in small black shiny rocks. This is one of the more fun and scenic trails in the trail system. The Dry Creek Recreation Area is a highly trafficked area, especially on weekends, so you have to look out for oncoming riders.

Photos of Ewok Village

Ewok Village
Ewok Village


Moderate rock ledges, pinches and tight twisty curves make this an intermediate trail.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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