682 Road
Total Miles
2,025.63 ft
Technical Rating
Best Time
Spring, Summer, Fall
Trail Overview
This rocky single track's entrance is well marked off of 64, leaving Grand Canyon National Park via the East Entrance (near Desert View). It's a beautiful trail that starts along many offshoot trails and primitive camping sites that then opens to a large beautiful valley surrounded by pines on the fringes and the scenic Coconino Rim to the South. Along this trail, you'll find sagebrush and various pines, as well as cattle grazing, so take care for possible livestock in the road. It reaches its Southern terminus near a large burn scar that has lots of interesting tree formations at the junction of Old Cameron Road / 307. There are no obstacles on this road.
Photos of 682 Road
This is an unmaintained road that may change and become challenging after/during rain and snow.