WoodHaven Custom Calls
Elite Members receive 15% off select custom calls, OR buy a pot call and get 3 diaphragm calls free.

WoodHaven Custom Calls
“WoodHaven was built from my burning desire to be the best turkey hunter I could be. The woods were my classroom; Mother Nature and the wild turkeys were my best teachers. Full of ideas and a hobby, what had started back in the late 1980s in my grandparents’ basement as a dream, was about to become an incorporated business entering into the game call industry. Twenty-plus years ago, the first line in my business plan was “To build the very best turkey calls, period.” I wanted top-of-the-line in every facet of the company. I knew I could build great products and put them into a nice package and deliver them to you—our great customers—with superior customer service. Superior products and great customer service is what has become known as the “Woodhaven way.” – Mike Pentecost, WoodHaven Custom Calls Owner/President

onX Elite Members Receive Exclusive Deals With WoodHaven Custom Calls:
15% off select custom calls, or buy a pot call and get 3 diaphragm calls free.

Zach Ferenbaugh – The Hunting Public
“I feel like the term “custom calls” gets thrown around a lot when it comes to turkey calls but Woodhaven really puts the extra effort into every one of their calls. Just by spending an hour at their shop you can see that their team does an amazing job not only making sure that the calls are built properly but they test every friction call before they package them. They make sure that every pot call has a striker that matches the call and if it doesn’t sound right, they start over and make sure it does before putting it on the market. It’s an impressive process that really makes their calls special. Also, the call I use the most is a diaphragm call and something I really like is the fact that I can run their mouth calls right out of the package. I haven’t had a diaphragm call wear out yet even after multiple years of use so my only concern is losing them under the truck seat!”