roosted turkeys against a dusky sky

Chapter 6 – Hunt Scenario Breakdowns


Dozens of decisions lead to the moment you flip your safety off, from when to call and where to set up to how aggressive to be. In this chapter, we dissect several in-field scenarios to help you gain a better sense of the types of decisions you may encounter.


While every hunt is as unique as the bird you’re after, there are a handful of scenarios you’re more than likely to encounter. We break down the decision-making process associated with nine hunt scenarios:

  1. Gobbler on Roost.
  2. After Fly Down.
  3. On a Hot Turkey.
  4. Henned-Up Gobbler.
  5. Field Turkeys.
  6. When Not to Call.
  7. Barriers.
  8. Shock Gobbles.
  9. Midday Hunting.

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Chapter 6 – Hunt Scenario Breakdowns

Chapter 6 – Hunt Scenario Breakdowns

While every hunt is as unique as the bird you’re after, there are a handful of scenarios you’re more than likely to encounter. We break down the decision-making process associated with each.

Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Turkey Academy logo overlaying a turkey in a field.

6.1: Gobbler on Roost

Duration 3:12
Listening to a longbeard sound off before daylight is one of the most sought-after and exhilarating parts of the hunt. Gain insights on how to get this bird into gun range.

What You’ll Learn:
• Why your approach toward a roost often matters more early in the season.
• How to learn and improve each day throughout the season.
Turkey Academy logo overlaying a turkey in a field.

6.2: After Fly Down

Duration 2:24
After the fly down can be one of the most frustrating times of the day. After gobbling on the limb, birds will often go quiet once they hit the ground and meet up with the hens. Mossy Oak gives a couple of pointers to push through the lull.

What You’ll Learn:
• Why patience pays off.
• The best time to call.
Turkey Academy logo overlaying a turkey in a field.

6.3: On a Hot Turkey

Duration 2:42
Interacting with a fired-up gobbler looking for a hen is some of the most fun you can have in the spring woods. Learn how to make the most of finding a hot turkey.  

What You’ll Learn:
• How to take advantage of a hot turkey.
• The best tactic for getting a hot turkey in range.
Turkey Academy logo overlaying a turkey in a field.

6.4: Henned-Up Gobbler

Duration 2:35
Gobblers with a flock of hens can make for a frustrating hunt. Patience and persistence will be the keys to success.

What You’ll Learn:
• Factors that make hunting a henned-up gobbler difficult.
• Why calling might not be your best tactic in a henned-up scenario.
Turkey Academy logo overlaying a turkey in a field.

6.5: Field Turkeys

Duration 2:55
Field turkeys can be some of the most difficult birds to hunt as they can rely on their keen eyesight to determine whether or not there is a hen to pursue. Mossy Oak shares insights on how to outwit turkeys out in the open.

What You’ll Learn:
• What to look for before calling.
• The best setup for field turkeys.
Turkey Academy logo overlaying a turkey in a field.

6.6: When Not To Call

Duration 2:48
Just like humans, every turkey is unique. What might bring one running in, could send the next to your neighbors. Reading a turkey’s response and calling accordingly takes years to learn but these tips will shorten the learning curve.

What You’ll Learn:
• Contextual factors that affect turkey behavior.
Turkey Academy logo overlaying a turkey in a field.

6.7: Barriers, Shock Gobbles, and Midday Hunting

Duration 3:43
Learn how to handle hung-up turkeys, whether it’s a creek, ditch, or fence standing between you and a shot opportunity.

What You’ll Learn:
• How to work around barriers.
• When to provoke a shock gobble.
• How midday hunting might differ from mornings and evenings.

Go back to review turkey sounds or move ahead for lessons on turkey behavior.