Chapter 8 – Cleaning and Processing


Putting together a complete hunt where you get a great opportunity and make the most of it is a special thing. In this chapter, we’ll walk you through what to do from here to ensure you have great table fare from your spring harvests.

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Chapter 8 – Cleaning and Processing

Chapter 8 – Cleaning and Processing

In this chapter, we share how to clean, process, and enjoy your harvest.

Skill Level: Beginner

8.1: Cleaning and Processing 101

Duration 2:33
Whether cleaning your bird for Thanksgiving Dinner months away or for tonight’s menu, take the time to ensure you’ll have excellent table fare.

What You’ll Learn:
• How to use all parts of a turkey.
• Recipe ideas.

8.2: Cleaning a Turkey: Step-by-Step

Duration 9:31
Follow along step-by-step as the Mossy Oak crew explains how to clean your bird.

What You’ll Learn:
• Where to start.
• Useful tools to have on hand.
• Handling the beard and tail fan.
• Breasting the turkey.
• Removing the legs.

Go back to Chapter 7 or head to Chapter 9 to learn how you can support turkey conservation.