onX Hunt, Better Than The Competition
Whether scouting, hunting, or both, onX Hunt is the best hunting GPS mapping tool out there. Made specifically for hunters, by hunters, onX Hunt is easy to use and trusted by millions.

onX Is Backed by the Best Customer Support
onX has the most passionate and helpful customer support team in the industry. Whether you have a simple question, feature request, or come across an issue in the field, our customer support team is only a call or email away. We are fully staffed, and you’ll be speaking to a live agent during our business hours. We’re even available Saturdays during hunting season.
Our customer service can’t be matched.

onX Is Committed To Protecting Land Access for All
A part of onX’s core missions are to protect and preserve land access opportunities for recreation and support stewardship projects. We believe that everyone should have access to nature. Publicly accessible land plays a critical role in equalizing everyone’s access to outdoor recreation. That’s why we’ve made a commitment to help protect public access to outdoor recreation and advocate for more access for all.
Since 2018 we’ve helped open 58,400 acres of land for public access, including 28 miles of trails. We have also set a goal to help secure or improve public access to 150,000 acres and another 150 miles of trails by 2023.
When you use onX Hunt you’ll always know where we stand.

onX Is Built With Maps Made In-House
onX is synonymous with accuracy and reliability. We are the most-trusted Hunt App in the world because we build our maps and our layers in-house. We call it the “onX Difference,” and what it means is we’re committed to producing the most accurate and up-to-date private and public hunting land maps available anywhere.
Our primary map data is curated from very carefully vetted sources, including counties, state agencies, and the federal government. Our talented, in-house GIS teams double-check every piece of information for accuracy and updates. Then we validate and resolve discovered conflicts before we release our handcrafted Maps and Layers in the Hunt App.
No one can beat the “onX Difference.”

onX Is a Powerful Hunting Tool
onX believes every adventurer needs to know where to go, to know where they stand, and to be able to share their experiences. That’s why we built the Hunt App with 400+ unique Layers, multiple Basemaps (Satellite, Hybrid, Topo), 3D Maps, Offline Maps, Public and Private Land Boundaries, landowner contact information, and the largest database of nationwide roads and trails ever built.
The best adventures start with onX Hunt because we’re better than the rest.