Swan Lake 2

Total Miles


1,225.46 ft


7 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Trail Overview

A combination of paved and gravel roads through forested and open rural country side. The route is designed to transit either to or from Republic to the Swan Lake region which is a popular recreation area. Watch for two-way traffic of various types. Dusty conditons during the dry season may cause issues.

Photos of Swan Lake 2

Swan Lake 2
Swan Lake 2

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

From Republic, drive south nearly 7 miles on Hwy 21 to Scatter Creek Rd. Turn right on Scatter Creek, proceed another 5.7 miles, turning right into FS Rd #500 (Old Scatter Creek Rd) parking area. This is a large triangular shaped intersection. Alternatively, if you stage in Republic, follow the depicted route north out of Republic on Knob Hill Rd, turning left onto Trout Creek, following the depicted route to the south and around the loop route.

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