Card Canyon West

Total Miles


2,313.61 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall, Spring

Trail Overview

Card Canyon trail connects Logan Canyon to Forest Service Road 052. The trail is challenging to go up as there are a few significant obstacles to get up. There are a couple of roots that have large step-ups. Then the trail goes into a part of the creek with a steep climb. There are large rock obstacles that can be wet, making them slick. The rest of the trail has a few small obstacles and a couple of switchbacks as it climbs to the top. Difficulty rating is based on going up this trail. It's much easier to go down the trail if you're concerned about the obstacles.

Photos of Card Canyon West

Card Canyon West
Card Canyon West


The large obstacles with water make this a fairly difficult trail to climb.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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