Tillamook Loop

Total Miles


1,034.51 ft


4 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

This is a scenic loop through the Tillamook National Forest. This series of trails will take you through small streams, rock obstacles, scenic view points and tight forests. This tail can be difficult and damaging for low-clearance vehicles. This loop is long, and consists mostly of trails, but will encounter several gravel roads. These roads are used by loggers, so be sure to keep an eye out for large semis and other vehicles. There are several very difficult trails you can take in this segment and hop back on the loop once finished.

Photos of Tillamook Loop

Tillamook Loop
Tillamook Loop


I would say that 75% of the trail can be done by an seasoned driver, but the trail can get very difficult and requires very precise tire placement to avoid serious injury.

Technical Rating


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