Cougar Creek Loop

Total Miles


1,643.43 ft


0.75 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

This route begins and ends off the Verde Creek Road. The route is mainly gravel with loose rock which makes up a one-vehicle wide road. There are parts of the route where passing another vehicle is possible. Most of the route has very steep embankments that pass through areas of burnt-out timber. The route begins around 4000' and makes its way to 5400'. Most of the route is very scenic looking high over the Lolo National Forest. St. John's Wort is plentiful along the route.

Photos of Cougar Creek Loop

Cougar Creek Loop
Cougar Creek Loop


The route is made up mostly of one lane with steep bank on both sides of the route. Offline maps of the area are needed on some parts of the route. Dust could be a problem for groups traveling the route during dry conditions

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

The route starts off from the Verde Windfall Road.

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