East Verde River

Total Miles


1,450.78 ft


2 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Fall, Winter

Trail Overview

This is a scenic route suitable for any stock 4x4. There are no obstacles to tackle on this one, there are a few creek crossings that could be deeper depending on the time of year. Most of the trail is up along a ridgeline with sprawling views of the Mazatzal Mountains to the West and some roaming cattle.

Photos of East Verde River

East Verde River
East Verde River


There are multiple creek crossings, which depending on the time of year, could be deeper than a few inches.

Technical Rating


Access Description

You can run this in either direction, but I started this on from the South and ran it clockwise to the North. I followed Doll Baby Ranch Road to the start, just West of the private property. Other than a small 1/2 mile section, it's all paved until you pass through the PP. Follow posted signs about remaining on the main road while passing through private property.

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