Beginner Off-Road Trails Near Kilgore, Texas

Davy Crockett National Forest Route

This route is 42 miles of gravel roads that are linked together and span the entire length of the Davy Crockett National Forest from North to South. The road's terrain varies greatly from soft gravel,…
Learn more about Davy Crockett National Forest Route
Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Wi / Su / Fa / Sp

Texas Traverse (Leg 1)

Total Miles
Tech Rating
3 Easy
Best Time
Sp / Su / Fa / Wi

Trail to the Sulphur River

This gravel road starts at the Hwy 67 and Hwy 8 intersection. It is just past the Hwy 8 turn if your coming from Maud Texas. You will cross the railroad tracks and follow the…
Learn more about Trail to the Sulphur River
Total Miles
Tech Rating
2 Easy
Best Time
Fa / Sp

Low Water Bridge on Lake Wright Patman

This route starts off of Hwy 67 just west of Texarkana and goes to the low water bridge that crosses part of Wright Patman Lake. There are plenty of areas to fish. Bring a kayak…
Learn more about Low Water Bridge on Lake Wright Patman
Total Miles
Tech Rating
1 Easy
Best Time
Sp / Su / Fa / Wi