Exodus Cameras

Elite Members receive 25% off everything Exodus Outdoor Gear makes.

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Exodus Outdoor Gear

Exodus has made their mark in the hunting community by building exceptional products and backing them with an unmatched level of customer service, support, and warranties you won’t find anywhere else. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Exodus to give you access to some of the best trail cameras money can buy so you can scout more effectively and get a shot on your target buck.

onX Hunt Elite Members have access to a Members-only discount of 25% off Exodus Trail Cameras including:

  • 5 Year no BS Warranty
  • 5 Year Theft and Damage Coverage
  • Best in Class Customer Support

The Hunting Public

Years ago, viewers began asking us which trail camera do we like best?  Honestly, we didn’t have a good answer at the time so we purchased a half dozen different brands and tested them all for a full deer season.  Exodus was one of those brands.  At the end of the fall, Exodus was #1 and we’ve been using them ever since.

Jared L. – onX Hunt Team Member

Before I ever owned a cell camera, I purchased an Exodus Trek and it quickly became my go to camera. It was reliable, had great battery life, and produced clear images—it just flat out worked. Since then, I’ve added numerous Rivals and a few Renders to my lineup, and they continue to impress. On top of that, their five-year theft / damage replacement policy is unmatched. Being a public land hunter, I know the pain of having cameras stolen from public ground. The folks at Exodus get it, and when you register your camera and that happens, they treat you to 50% off your next camera. Hard to beat that!

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