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Covert Cameras

Elite Members Receive 35% off Covert Cellular Cameras & Accessories.

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Covert Cameras

onX Hunt Elite Partner: Covert Scouting Cameras

Scouting with trail cameras can have a significant impact on your understanding of a hunting location and the animals that utilize it. Getting to know an area and what it offers to your target species can translate to more effective time in the field during the season. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Covert Scouting Cameras to offer 35% off cellular cameras and accessories to onX Hunt Elite members.

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onX Hunt Elite Members have access to a members-only discount of 35% off Covert Cellular Cameras and accessories.

Ben B. – onX Hunt Team Member

After seeing a friend’s farm set up with Covert Cell Cams over 10 years ago, I was impressed. He then mentioned not having to change batteries in over a year, and I was completely hooked. Since then I rely on Covert to provide me intel on multiple properties across the country.

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