Kathy's Bridge Road

Total Miles


263.54 ft


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Trail Overview

Kathy's Bridge Road, also known as Bollinger County Road 334, is a branch off the Bo-Co Road 342 and continues following the last stretch of James Creek while heading Southwest off the 342 to connect with Missouri Route-M. The road's base is course gravel in true Bollinger county fashion leading through its track and features heavy potholes and washboarding. The first half of the road lays in the valley bottoms surrounded by farmland and has three low water bridges, one being a potential crossing, followed by a few scattered out water collection spots in the larger potholes, this is followed by a mild steep uphill climb snaking your way up to where the road meets Missouri-M. Great back road adventuring with country living and sights to be seen.

Photos of Kathy's Bridge Road

Kathy's Bridge Road
Kathy's Bridge Road


A rather simple back road featuring one minor creek crossing, and a mild grade hill, only given a 2/10 rating for the potential higher water depth at the bridge in the rain and for the grade going uphill but is mostly a 1/10.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

From Scopus, MO, at the intersection of Missouri Route-B and Missouri Route-M, at 37.39916, -89.92211, head west on Missouri Route-M for 2.7 miles, and the entrance will be on the right onto Bollinger County 334, at 37.40625, -89.96562.

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