Sand Ridge Road

Total Miles


17.20 ft



Technical Rating



Best Time

Winter, Fall, Summer, Spring

Trail Overview

Sand Ridge Road is one of the main trails through the Northern portion of Goethe State Forest and runs parallel to Cow Creek Road, a developed road in the state forest. Multiple short trails run in between Sand Ridge Road and Cow Creek Road. Sand Ridge Road can be classified as an easy trail with sand/packed dirt roads for 90% of the trail. This trail does require a bypass due to a closed gate to some private property that is halfway in. The bypass is overgrown in some portions, but is not difficult. After a hard rain, standing water will be present, but it's nothing that a stock 4x4 vehicle could not handle. The minimal vehicle recommended for this trail due to the overgrown bypass is something with roughly a 9"+ vehicle clearance. 4wd is not needed on normal days. Cell phone poor to moderate throughout the trail, but issues with navigation never arose. Sand Ridge Road has many trails that branch off of it, but be sure to look for signs to see if that particular trail is open to vehicles or not.

Photos of Sand Ridge Road

Sand Ridge Road
Sand Ridge Road


Sand Ridge Rd would be rated a 1 if not for the overgrown section of the trail. The majority of the trail is packed sand/dirt and does not require 4x4 on any portion when dry.

Technical Rating


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