Pie Plant

Total Miles


3,147.59 ft


2 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time


Trail Overview

The road is graded for the first few miles. There are some nice camping sites along the road as you leave the Taylor Park River area and enter the trees. Driving is easy, although it can be muddy with some deep mud holes after rain. Driving up to the stamping mill site is much, more difficult, but can be walked easily. There is plenty of parking at the Pie Plant townsite.

Photos of Pie Plant

Pie Plant
Pie Plant


The road is easy except for some mud holes and roots near the end.


The town was named for the Wild Rhubarb plant that grew in the area that was used to make pies. The stamping mill was the only one in the northern, upper part of Taylor Park and ore was brought in by burro train from neighboring mines. During the most prosperous period, around the turn of the 20th century, the mill had a capacity of 200 tons per day and employed 50 - 60 workers.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

Park at the Taylor Park Trading Post and drive up the main Taylor Park Road approximately 6 miles to FS Road 757, Pie Plant Creek Road. It is 4 miles to the townsite.

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