Peligreen Jeepway
Total Miles
1,103.88 ft
5 Hours
Technical Rating
Best Time
Trail Overview
Trail starts with an easy scenic drive through pine trees as it crosses several small creeks. The real fun starts when the road becomes a rough narrow one-lane drive over long volcanic ridges. Scenic views throughout until you reach Ishi Road, where you once again reach wide gravel roads. Forest campgrounds along Hogsback Road plus dry camping. Green-sticker vehicles on side roads only, not main route shown here.
Photos of Peligreen Jeepway
Moderate: Easy, wide gravel road then changes to rough rocky terrain after Wpt. 03. High-clearance SUV recommended. One steep incline and several rocky sections along ridge are tricky to navigate. Grapevine Jeepway can be tight with brush. Optional shortcut can be difficult to impassible due to numerous fallen trees.