08A - Mont des Cenelles to Saint Michel

Total Kilometers


167.06 m


0.5 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Spring, Fall

Trail Overview

This is part of the 08A trail traversing the forest. It takes 1 hour back and forth. The track is pretty wide and mostly dirt road with small rocks. You might cross some hunting spots and hiking trails along its length. Cell reception is not optimal. There is nothing technical on the main road, but after a good rain, the track will have a lot of mud and slippery hillsides. Speed should be 20 mph or below at all times. Seasonal closures are during winter and defrost time. If there is still a lot of snow and snowmobile tracks, then it is closed; don't go down it with your 4x4. Please watch out for heavy equipment.

Photos of 08A - Mont des Cenelles to Saint Michel

08A - Mont des Cenelles to Saint Michel
08A - Mont des Cenelles to Saint Michel


Add another point to the difficulty rating after a good rain, since the surface will be muddy and bigger puddles will appear.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

There is no parking, but you can access the trail from the Chemin du Nordet.

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