Peale Gorton Road

Total Miles


546.11 ft


1 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall

Trail Overview

This is an unmaintained high-clearance 4x4 road just outside Moshannon State Forest. It offers a beautifully scenic and challenging back route into the state forest and Black Moshannon State Park. You'll climb over 750 feet in elevation, though there are not any notable vistas or lookouts.

Photos of Peale Gorton Road

Peale Gorton Road
Peale Gorton Road


Coming from the town of Pleasant Hill or Grassflat, you can expect a long climb, which may be muddy at the start (just after crossing Moshannon Creek) and will include steep loose rocky climbs, wash outs, and some small rock ledges. At the top, there are several large, but not very deep mud holes. Expect water to be 10-20" deep after rain.

Technical Rating


Access Description

Pass through the town of Grassflat on Cooper Road headed towards Moshannon Creek, after the bridge the road turns into the high clearance 4x4 trail.

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