102 Crossover

Total Miles


421.16 ft


0.25 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time


Trail Overview

This short wooded section leads from 102 Green to trail 101. This also serves as an exit for trail 102 Blue which this trail dissects. It can be overgrown on the northern side during the summer from knotweed and other large grasses. There are usually a few random big rocks lying on this trail that get dug up from 102 Blue or by erosion. There are a few tight trees also.

Photos of 102 Crossover

102 Crossover
102 Crossover


There are a few tight areas with decent 12-inch rocks on the ground to avoid. It can be driven with any vehicle with caution.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

Access Description

Take trail 102 Green or trail 101 to get to this trail. It is not far from the trailhead.

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