Old Highway Road

Total Miles


3,000.02 ft


0.25 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time

Summer, Fall, Spring

Trail Overview

This is just a nice, easy, scenic backway from Camp Hale to Highway 24, offering nice views of the Camp Hale valley. Most vehicles should do fine. If there's snow, it could get a little slick and there could be some deep puddles or rough washboards with a lot of traffic.

Photos of Old Highway Road

Old Highway Road
Old Highway Road


This is an easy trail. It has a technical rating of 2 because it is not plowed after snow, and there is potential for some deep puddles.


Camp Hale was a U.S. Army training facility in the western United States, constructed in 1942 for what became the Tenth Mountain Division. It is located in central Colorado between Red Cliff and Leadville in the Eagle River Valley. It was named for General Irving Hale. Soldiers were trained in mountain climbing, Alpine and Nordic skiing, cold-weather survival, and various weapons and ordnance. When it was in full operation, approximately 15,000 soldiers were housed there. The creation of an elite ski corps was a national effort, with assistance from the National Association of Ski Patrol, local ski clubs, and Hollywood. Enough men were recruited to create three army regiments, which were deployed after training. Camp Hale was decommissioned in November 1945.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

There are no status reports yet for this trail.

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