Bodie Ghost Town

Total Miles


2,821.66 ft


4 Hours

Technical Rating



Best Time


Trail Overview

This is an alternative, fun, backroad route to Bodie State Historic Park that starts north of Bridgeport. History buffs will enjoy remains of the Chemung Mine and the site of Masonic, as well as great views along the way. The north end of the route enters national forest with plenty of spur roads for green-sticker vehicles.

Photos of Bodie Ghost Town

Bodie Ghost Town
Bodie Ghost Town


Easy: Starts as wide gravel road but soon narrows with ruts and embedded rock. Side trip to Masonic Mountain is narrow and rough, but still easy. Suitable for most stock SUVs with 4-wheel drive and moderate clearance.


In 1880, Bodie had a population of 10,000. Only 5% of the town remains but what is left is very impressive. All the remaining structures are original with only minor modifications to help preserve what is left. A small fee is charged and is used to preserve the town.

Technical Rating


Status Reports

Access Description

From Bridgeport, head north on Hwy.182 starting at Hwy. 395. Go 3.8 miles and turn right on Masonic Road (Not marked as such. Once you start in, it's marked as 32046.)

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