Known For
From furbearers to black bears, and with whitetails and elk between, Virginia is known for having a lot of opportunities for hunters. Annual whitetail harvests average around 200,000 deer, and with the efforts of reintroducing elk into Virginia, the herd is nearly 250 strong.
Virginia’s terrain is a blend of mountains and fertile valleys. In fact, much of the state is part of a gigantic trough that runs from Quebec to Alabama called “the Great Valley.” Virginia has five distinct geographic regions, from the tidewaters and coastal plains to the Appalachian Plateau. Virginia also features rich, fertile soil and ample agricultural land.

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Virginia Hunting Seasons
Continuous open season except on National Forest lands and Department lands. Coyote hunting on National Forest lands and Department lands is permitted from September 1 through March 10 and during the spring turkey season. Coyotes may also be hunted on Department lands during the spring squirrel season unless otherwise posted (see list of open areas).
2 geese per day (6 in possession). Atlantic Zone.
2 geese per day (6 in possession) Atlantic Zone.
1 per day, 3 in possession Atlantic Zone.
One per day, either sex may be taken.
One per day, either sex may be taken.
One per day, either sex may be taken. (See regulations for additional dates in certain counties).
One per day, either sex may be taken. (See regulations for additional dates in certain counties).
One per day, either sex may be taken. (See regulations for additional dates in certain counties).
One per day, either sex may be taken. (See regulations for additional dates in certain counties).
One per day, either sex may be taken. (See regulations for additional dates in certain counties).
Virginia Hunting Regulations
Bag Limits
One per license year, at least 100 pounds live weight or 75 pounds dressed weight (all internal organs removed). Females with cubs may not be harvested. Cubs may be 30-50 lbs by fall. Please observe and be patient before shooting as cubs often lag behind the female.
Big Game
Legal Hours
- One half-hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset for nonmigratory birds and game animals except during spring turkey season.
- One half-hour before sunrise until 12 noon during spring turkey season, except the last 20 days when the hunting hours are one halfhour before sunrise until sunset.
- One half-hour before sunrise to sunset for Youth/Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting Weekend.
- Hours for bear hound training season are from 4:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily.
- Bobcats, foxes, raccoons, and opossums may be hunted by day or night during authorized seasons.
- Nuisance species may be taken day or night.
Legal Game is, Deer, Bear, Elk, Fall Turkey, Spring Turkey.
- (Including muzzleloading shotguns) using ammunition loaded with larger than number 2 fine shot
Legal Game is Deer, Fall Turkey, Spring Turkey.
- .35 caliber or LARGER
Rifles & Pistols Using Rimfire Ammunition & Airguns
Legal Game is Fall Turkey, Spring Turkey.
- .35 caliber or SMALLER
Rifles & Pistols Using Centerfire Ammunition
Legal Game is Deer, Bear, Elk, Fall Turkey, Spring Turkey.
- 23 caliber or LARGER
- Pistols must generate at least 350 foot pounds of energy or greater
Legal Game is Fall Turkey, Spring Turkey.
- SMALLER than .23 caliber
Muzzleloading Firearms
Legal Game is Deer, Bear, Elk, Fall Turkey, Spring Turkey
- 40 caliber or larger
- Pistols – 45 caliber or larger
Legal Game is Fall Turkey, Spring Turkey
- Smaller than .40 caliber
- Pistols – smaller than .45 caliber
Legal Game is Deer, Bear, Elk, Fall Turkey, Spring Turkey
- Broadhead widths/expandables that open to 7/8-inch
Harvest Reporting
Includes: Bear, Deer, Elk, Turkey and Bobcat
- Telephone Harvest Reporting System (866)GOT-GAME or (866)468-4263; touch-tone phone only (Available during all open seasons)
- Internet Harvest Reporting System www.gooutdoorsvirginia.com; click Internet Harvest Reporting (Available during all open seasons)
- GoOutdoorsVA Mobile App (eNotch) (Available during all open seasons)
Bag Limits
East of the Blue Ridge (except on National Forest lands in Amherst, Bedford, and Nelson counties).
- The bag limit for deer shall be two a day, six a license year. Of the six-deer limit, no more than three may be antlered deer and at least three must be antlerless deer (unless noted in the exceptions below).
- The daily bag limit for deer shall be unlimited in Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William counties and in all cities and towns east of the Blue Ridge except in the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach. However, no more than three antlered deer may be killed in a license year.
Only one deer per day may be taken on National Forest lands and Department-owned and Department-managed lands east of the Blue Ridge. West of the Blue Ridge and on National Forest lands in Amherst, Bedford, and Nelson counties
- The bag limit for deer shall be two a day and five a license year. Of the five-deer limit, no more than two may be antlered deer and at least three must be antlerless deer (unless noted in the exceptions below).
- The daily bag limit for deer shall be unlimited in all cities and towns west of the Blue Ridge. However, no more than two antlered deer may be taken in a license year.
Only one deer per day may be taken on National Forest lands and Department owned and Department-managed lands west of the Blue Ridge.
- If a deer hunter kills two antlered bucks in a license year in Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Highland, or Rockbridge County, at least one of the bucks must have at least four antler points, one inch or longer, on one side of the antlers.
Bag Limits
Only one elk per day may be taken statewide.
Elk Hunting Outside the EMZ
Any elk (bull, cow, or calf) can be taken on any day of an open deer season (archery, muzzleloader, or firearms) in the county/locality in which the individual is hunting. Legal weapons for taking elk coincide with legal weapons for deer during that specific season except that elk may not be taken with a slingbow or air rifle. The taking of an elk counts toward a hunter’s daily and seasonal bag limit for deer.
Elk Management Zone
By lottery draw only in designated EMZ counties.
Bobcat – Bag Limits
Two per hunting party taken between noon one day and noon the following day.
Fox, Coyote, Opossum, & Skunk – Bag Limits
No Limit
Raccoon – Bag Limits
East of the Blue Ridge: Two per hunter taken between noon one day and noon the following day. West of the Blue Ridge: Two per hunting party (individual or organized) taken between noon one day and noon the following day.
Migratory Birds
Doves – Bag Limits
15 per day, 45 in possession.
Rails – Bag Limits
Clapper/King Rails – 15 counted together daily, only one of which may be a king rail.
- Possession limit 45, only 3 of which can be king rails.
- 25 counted together daily, 75 in possession.
Gallinules – Bag Limits
5 per day counted together, 45 in possession.
Woodcock – Bag Limits
3 per day, 9 in possession.
Snipe – Bag Limits
8 per day, 24 in possession.
Small Game
Grouse – Bag Limits
Three per day.
Quail & Pheasant – Bag Limits
Quail: six per day.
Pheasant: no daily or seasonal bag limit.
Rabbit – Bag Limits
Six per day.
Squirrel (Gray, Red, & Fox) – Bag Limits
All squirrels combined–six per day.
Crow – Bag Limits
No Limit
Groundhog – Bag Limits
No Limit
Bag Limits
One per day, bearded turkeys only. Hunters may take one, two, or three bearded turkeys depending on how many turkeys were taken in the fall season
September Teal – Bag Limits
6 per day, 18 in possession.
Margansers – Bag Limits
5 birds daily, 15 in possession
Ducks – Bag Limits
6 ducks of any species except for the following restrictions:
- Can include no more than 2 mallards (only 1 hen mallard), 3 wood ducks, 2 black ducks (except closed Oct. 7-10)
- Scaup: 1/day for 40 days (October 7-10, November 16-27, December 17-January 9), and 2/day for 20 days (January 10-29)
- 2 redheads, 2 canvasback, 1 pintail, 1 mottled duck, 1 fulvous whistling duck, 4 total sea ducks (no more than 3 scoters, 3 eiders [only 1 hen], 3 long-tailed ducks).
Coots – Bag Limits
15 per day, 45 in possession.
Canada Goose – Bag Limits
- Atlantic Population Zone (AP) Bag Limit 1 goose per day (3 in possession).
- Resident Population Zone (RP) Bag Limit 5 geese per day (15 in possession).
- Southern James Bay Population Zone (SJBP) Bag Limit 3 geese per day for the entire season, (9 in possession)
September Canada Goose – Bag Limits
10 per day, 30 in possession.
Light Goose – Bag Limits
Bag Limit 25 per day, no possession limit.
Light Goose Conservation Order – Bag Limit
No Limit
Atlantic Brant – Bag Limit
2 per day, 6 in possession.
Tundra Swan – Bag Limits
1 per permittee per season.
*Season dates and regulation data provided by
Virginia Licenses, Permits, and Regulations
Virginia hunting licenses, permits, and regulations for resident and non-resident hunters can be purchased on the official website of the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. Click below to view the website.
Hunting GPS Maps
Every Virginia hunter should have hunting GPS maps on hand. Virginia hunting maps are available from onX Hunt. With a paid membership you can access Satellite, Topo, or Hybrid Basemaps, over which you can view maps of wildlife management areas, along with State, Forest Service, and other public and private property boundaries. You can view trails and roads, and even download maps to the Hunt App for use offline. Click below to get onX Hunt for Virginia.
Wildlife Management Areas
The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources maintains 46 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) totaling more than 215,000 acres for public enjoyment. 44 of the 46 WMAs offer hunting opportunities. Within all the WMAs for hunting, each may have quotas in place for animal harvest, antler restrictions, or managed hunt opportunities. It’s important to know the regulations for each WMA. Click below to view Virginia’s wildlife management areas in more detail through an interactive map.
Hunting Layers

VA Private Lands
Over 3,200,000 parcels mapped by the onX team, this layer helps you know who the property owners are in Virginia. Tap any parcel to learn more info about the owner and acreage.

VA Gov Lands
onX has the most accurate maps of Gov Lands, covering over 3,400,000 acres in Virginia. Not all Gov Lands offer access opportunities, check regulations before recreating.

VA Possible Access
onX has mapped 810,000 acres of possible access lands in Virginia including timber companies and land conservation groups. Research rules on these private lands before recreating.

VA Blue Ridge Line
Virginia Blue Ridge Line Division. Please hunt responsibly, obey all signage and have a safe legal hunt.

VA PALS Walk In Areas
The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Public Access Lands for Sportsmen Walk In Areas. All hunters are expected to know the rules of the program.

POWRR Walkin Areas
The Public Opportunities for Wildlife Related Recreation (POWRR) program will open private lands for the public to enjoy hunting, fishing, trapping, boating and wildlife viewing.

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